In 1909, while journeying through Nicaragua, renowned journalist Pierre-François Lardet stumbled upon an exquisite revelation—a delectable concoction crafted from banana flour, cocoa, crushed grains, and sugar. Nestled within a forest-bound village, this discovery marked the genesis of an extraordinary legacy. Upon returning to Paris, Lardet undertook the ardent quest of replicating this ambrosial elixir. Aided by a collaborative effort with a pharmacist confidant, the duo meticulously calibrated the precise amalgamation of banana flour, cereal grains, cocoa, and sugar. This harmonious blend birthed an unparalleled flavor profile, setting the stage for what would come to be known as BANANIA. In the annals of culinary history, the moniker was officially etched in August 1914.
From its inception, the brand underscored the beverage's inherent nutritional and invigorating attributes. Phrases like "intensive super-nutrition," "vitality," "energy," "health," and "stamina" took center stage in conveying its benefits to the entire family. BANANIA emerged not merely as a drink, but as a source of sustenance that exuded the promise of holistic well-being and robustness.